Benchwarmers – LGBTQ Night

LGBTQ Night at the Santa Fe Playhouse - Benchwarmers: Eight new plays

LGBTQ Night at the Santa Fe Playhouse - Benchwarmers: Eight new plays

LGBTQ Night at The Santa Fe Playhouse: Crowd-pleaser & annual (17th!) favorite BENCHWARMERS!

Eight new plays by local playwrights, set, as always, on a bare stage with a single set piece: a park bench.

For 2018, Hamilton Turner is directing all eight plays. The cast of eight actors—Donald Converse, Cynthia Coulter, Marguerite Scott, Nicholas Coffey, Veronica Everett, Amanda Cazares, Shawn Wayne King, and Patti O’Berg—appear in multiple plays.

BROKEN OFF by Robert Benjamin, with Don Converse and Cynthia Coulter

INCARNADINE by Alix Hudson, with Amanda Cazares, Nicholas Coffey, Cynithia Coulter, and Marguerite Louise Scott

THE JULIAN BOX by John Cullinan, with Nicholas Coffey, Veronica Everett, and Marguerite Louise Scott

THE EXPLAINING ROOM by Helen Rynaski with Patti O’Berg and Veronica Everett

ONE MORE COFFEE by Michael Burgan, with Don Converse and Marguerite Louise Scott

THAT’S FIVE by Kita Mehaffy, with Amanda Cazares and Shawn Wayne King

THE GARDEN STALKER by Janyth and Paula Fell, with Patti O’Berg, Shawn Wayne King, and Veronica Everett

THE BENCH by Bronwen Denton Davis, with Amanda Cazares and Shawn Wayne King


BENCHWARMERS is part of THE DIFFERENT FESTIVAL. Join us to support and applaud local playwrights!

Click HERE for Complete Event Details.
