Tuesday, October 1st
Origami in the Garden
3453 NM 14 Cerrillos, NM 87010
Yes that’s right a Tuesday!
If you have never been to Kevin and Jennifer Box’s “Origami in the Garden” in Cerrillos you haven’t lived! They are very kindly opening up their gardens to us for a private showing and Lori from the Mineshaft is providing our adult beverages.
Walking the garden usually takes about 40mins, then visitors can experience an interior “Inside Out” paper folding and unfolding exhibit in the Gallery Gift Shop. When on this private property, visitors are invited to take photos, use the parasols, grab a map and always stay on the paths.
This is sure to be a lot of fun.
$10 donation is requested and also car pooling recommended as limited parking is available inside the gate.
For more information: origamiinthegarden.com