Santa Fe Gay Men’s Potluck – October 2019
Sunday, October 20th
Residence of Fred Winter
1480 Avenida Rincon #101 (Zocalo)
5:00pm (dinner starts around 6:00pm)
Please remember to bring a dish to share, a serving utensil, and something to drink to share (beer, wine, soda or water only).
The host provides the paper goods (plates, napkins), plastic utensils, garbage receptacle, an ice chest for drinks.
Hope to see you there!
Directions: Take St. Francis north to 599. Head west in 599 to the first exit, which is Ridgetop. Turn left on Ridgetop (south) and then turn left on Camino Francesca. Drive downhill to the entrance to Zocalo. Drive towards the clubhouse on your right, then make a left onto Avenida Rincon. The street sign is in tile in the side of the building, I am the 5th driveway past a fire hydrant on your left. You have to pass the multi-story units. I am in a one story townhouse with a two car garage. The street number is to the left of the garage. There is a green ceramic globe just to the left of the street number. Park on the street.