Held in the main pavilion, over three hundred people attended the operatic themed gala. As we entered through the doors, we were greeted by costumed server swith trays of long stemmed glasses of Champaign and trays of hot appetizers. We then were quickly ushered through the check in process to get our auction bidder’s number and table assignments.
For the next hour and a half, we meet and greeted with many of the other attendees, chose items from the silent auction to bid on and perused the live auction items that would be auctioned off later in the evening.
Once the silent auction was closed, we took our seats while the harvest dinner was served. Santa Fe’s top local chefs were credited with the fall feast that was served at our table. We dined to jazz music from the live band and finished the evening with the live auction. Truly a splendid way to embrace autumn in Santa Fe.