Barker Realty Broker Spotlight: Mark Banham

AgentSpotlight-Aug2016 (2)Barker Realty recently featured Mark in their Broker Spotlight which is published in the Santa Fe New Mexican’s Real Estate Guide. Please read the article below and feel free to write us if you have any questions.

Mark builds relationships, first and foremost. Social by nature, Mark has built a large community of friends and enjoys bringing people new to Santa Fe into his circle. Making introductions between people with common interests, hosting dinner parties, and basically being the go-to guy for what’s happening in Santa Fe offers Mark’s clients an invaluable introduction into our City Different. “When they come to Santa Fe, they are excited,” Mark says. “I have heard many times – WOW! You have so much going on in Santa Fe! We had no idea.” CLICK HERE To Read The Full BROKER SPOTLIGHT…
