Proceeds from “Dinner with Friends” are dedicated to NMGMC’s participation in the GALA Choruses Festival in Denver, CO this summer.
Here’s how you can participate in one easy 7-step process:
1. Partner with a friend
2. Choose a venue or someone’s home
3. Pick a menu: it can be breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert or any and all concoctions. Be creative!
4. Suggest a donation amount: $10, $20, or open-ended
5. Create a Facebook event with dates and times during the month of March and invite your friends or make it a private party for your closest friends and family
6. Inform the Leadership Team about the event so we can assist you in publicity, includling it on the organization’s calendar, and for administrative support.
7. Collect the cash and turn in your contribution to chorus treasurer.
Need ideas or suggestions? Have questions? Want to partner with someone to host or cook for an event? If so, click here