For those who just adore southwestern cuisine, you may want to look for a restaurant presenting a Thanksgiving meal that will feature cornbread, chilis, and, if the weather is right, a meal in front of an outdoor kiva fireplace.
Here are three choices offering specialty dining on Thanksgiving Day.
La Casa Sena – Built in 1868, Sena Plaza is one of the oldest surviving houses in Santa Fe and located 1 block off the plaza. Click HERE to see the Thanksgiving menu.
Terra – Ecantado’s signature restaurant features majestic views of the surrounding vistas, offering an inventive interpretation of American Cuisine with regional influence. Click HERE to see the Thanksgiving menu.
The Anasazi Restaurant – Offering a fine dining atmosphere that is welcoming, elegant and rusticly Southwestern. Regional artistry is tastefully displayed throughout this Santa Fe restaurant for patrons to enjoy. Click HERE to see the Thanksgiving menu.
For a real southwest treat, visit the Santa Fe Plaza for the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting celebration held annually the Friday after Thanksgiving Day.