Last night we celebrated the Burning of Zozobra. As aways we had a great time. Click on the video to see the fun. The video is a little long, he starts to burn around the 3 minute mark.
Zozobra is a 50 foot marionette bogeyman who represents to the community all the negative things that happened in the year and they want to forget. In fact I have been told many people drop off divorce papers or any flammable memory of negativity of that year to stuff the ZoZobra and become part of the inferno.
The crowds gathered hours before and celebratated with food and friendship at Fort Marcy Park where Zozobra stood in all his ugly glory.
An impressive ceremony of Native American, Spanish and other costumed characters of Santa Fe history began the ceremony at dusk with dancing and music beginning the act of Zozobra’s demise.
The burning took place in front of thousands of excited spectators shouting “Burn Him” “Burn Him”.
He moaned and groaned and moved his huge arms and hands as if he was not affected by the flames. But in moments he was engulfed in flames and the crowd cheered like an angry mob that has finally got their villain.
A tremendous fireworks display followed and brought an end to the celebration.