Gay events now and this summer

 Free yahoo group pages for Gay Outdoor activities:   A Yahoo group page where bicycling enthusiasts. has recently been created. The link for the bicycle group page is :
The site is similar to a site for hikes, backpack trips, ski / snowboard  and kayak trips.
The link for these pages are: and

And if u needed more things to do during Gay Pride in Santa Fe:  

June 19th is Art show at Café Café  4p-6p

 21st is Swim and spin pool party at the Lodge 1p-6p DJ, cash bars, food bars, and pool time fun.

 June 22, 23 24th is RE-enactments of the Golden Girls (gay episode) at 8pm at the Playhouse

 June 25th is Comedian night with ANT (a comedian on Logo channel ) 7:30PM at St Francis Auditorium
