Gay Men’s Lifestyle – November and December Potluck Events

Web-site for
November Thanksgiving potluck at Roger Lanphear’s and
Sunday, December 6, 2009 – POTLUCK – 4 PM
Paul Lujan &
Ruben Rodriguez
2A Deans Court
Santa Fe, New Mexico
(505) 438-3126
Directions:  Take Cerrillos Rd to Rodeo Rd and turn right or left depending on where you are coming from. Go to Richards Avenue and turn onto Richard’s Ave Go 2 miles south on Richards avenue underneath the interstate pass one light and one roundabout.  At the 2nd roundabout which is College Avenue make a left.  Santa Maria de La Paz Church is on the right. College avenue will dead end and one can only turn left again on Burnt Water (don’t ask).  Immediate left on Dean’s Court (not queen’s) Our house is the first one to the left.  2A Dean’s Court.
Or take St. Francis Dr to Rodeo Rd and turn right or left onto Rodeo Rd depending on where you are coming from and go to Richard’s Ave and turn left onto Richard’s Ave and follow directions as above.

Paul and Ruben share a driveway with the neighbor, so DO NOT Park in the driveway, but you can park on the street.

Please remember a dish to share, a serving utensil, and something to drink (beer, wine, soda, or water – no hard liquor please). Join us for the Gay Life in Santa Fe and meet some new friends.

Mark Banham

November 2024 Events

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