Events: Its time for the Men’s potluck….our hosts this month are:

 Donald Coleman

7 Avenida de Mercedes

Santa Fe  87506-8201


Cell: 505-577-3670



Starting at 5 pm……Sunday July 19th, 2009


Find your way to Hwy 599 (Santa Fe Relief Route.) NOTE:  for those of you coming from Albuquerque and other points south, construction of the new Railrunner station at the Intersection of I-25 and Hwy 599 may force you to make a detour.  Just follow the well-marked signs to get onto Hwy 599 NORTH.

About 7 miles from the intersection with Hwys 84/285 [if coming from the north], or 5½ miles from the intersection with I-25 [if coming from the south], you will take the Caja del Rio exit from Hwy 599; you will be going west.

Go about 50 yards to the west frontage road.  Turn left (south), and go 1 mile to Caja del Rio Road.

Turn right onto Caja del Rio.  Go 3 miles, past the Animal Shelter, football/soccer fields, and Marty Sanchez Golf Course gate.

Turn right onto Camino de Rey, and then almost immediately right again onto Avenida de Mercedes.  There will be a rainbow flag at our driveway.

Bring food to share, something to drink [beer, wine, soft drinks only], and SUNSHINE!

Gay life in Santa Fe, New Mexico
